Uploading/Importing Recipients
- Download the CSV(.csv) / Excel(.xlsx) template (links below the upload widget) and update it to add in your recipient data
- The downloaded template has the following columns
- recipient_name - name of the recipient. Optional, but recommended. Required if you wish to notify the recipient.
- recipient_email - email of the recipient. Optional, but recommended. Required if you wish to notify the recipient.
- recipient_notify - Indicate “yes” if you wish to notify the recipient. You can indicate “no” if you do not wish to send a notification. Any other value (including leaving the field blank) will be treated as “no”
- recipient_message - message you wish to send the recipient while notifying them. Optional. If you leave this blank, a generic message will be sent.
- recipient_occasion - use this to indicate the occasion for the gift. Optional.
- units - Mandatory. No of units you wish to create a gift for. For example, if the project unit is trees and you wish to create a gift for 10 trees, you will enter 10 in this column.
- Note: The 2nd row of the template file contains instructions for each column. Please delete this row before uploading your edited file.
- Note: The 1st row of the template file contains column names. DO NOT REMOVE THIS ROW in your edited file.
- Upload the edited .xlsx (Excel) or .csv (CSV) file, and review the data that appears in the table below the drag and drop area for any mistakes.